State of Alaska Alaska | Natural Resources DNR | Geological & Geophysical Surveys DGGS | Geochemistry Geochem

Sample Detail

Sample Number 05JDDS01B
Project Liberty Bell

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Reference Number rdf2015-14-jumbo-dome
Citation RDF 2015-14
Laboratory Unknown
Description Rock samples from two separate trips to Jumbo Dome (2005 and 2011) were analyzed for major and trace elements by x-ray fluorescence (XRF) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICPMS) at Washington State University's Geoanalytical Laboratory in Pullman, WA. XRF and ICPMS analyses were performed following the methods of Johnson and others (1999) and Knaack and others (written commun., 1994). Whole-rock oxides are normalized to 100 percent; all iron is reported as FeO. All intensity values were reduced using a single calibration file to decrease interbatch analytical variations. The precision of the results is dependent on both value measured and analyte; data shown here are as provided by the analytical lab; not all figures may be significant. Accompanying tables also include whole-rock data from Albanese (1980). These samples were analyzed by XRF at University of Oregon, Eugene, OR. Geochemical values were imported into the Alaska Volcano Observatory geochemical database. Accompanying tables also include whole-rock data from Albanese (1980). These samples were analyzed by XRF at University of Oregon, Eugene, OR. Geochemical values were retyped and imported into the Alaska Volcano Observatory geochemical database.
Sample Type rock