State of Alaska Alaska | Natural Resources DNR | Geological & Geophysical Surveys DGGS | Geochemistry Geochem

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Sample Number 11LF218A
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Reference Number RDF2011-4-UAF-slab-XRF (37mmRbSRYZ)
Reference Date 2011-11-01
Citation RDF 2011-4 v. 2
Laboratory University of Alaska Fairbanks
Description Samples were cut into slabs at DGGS or UAF with a tile saw to fit in 37-mm-diameter sample holders. These slabs were then polished in the UAF Advanced Instrumentation Laboratory with an Ameritool Universal Heavy-Duty Grinder and Polishing Machine using first a 60-mesh diamond disk and finished with a 180-mesh diamond disk. Slab XRF analysis - The XRF analyses were run on a PANalytical Axios spectrometer using SuperQ software. Nb, Rb, Sr, Y, and Zr were measured using Super's 37mmRbSrYZr routine software program; The 37mmRbSrYZr routine uses specific pre-determined peak and background positions for which x-ray intensities are measured for 2-800 seconds (depending on the element). The intensity of the Rh Compton peak is used to estimate mass-absorption coefficients (MACs) for both unknowns and well-characterized natural standards. Peak intensities are computed and converted to concentrations using calibration curves employing at least 10 natural rock standards.
Sample Type rock

Reference Number RDF2011-4-UAF-slab-XRF
Reference Date 2011-11-01
Citation RDF 2011-4 v. 2
Laboratory University of Alaska Fairbanks
Description Samples were cut into slabs at DGGS or UAF with a tile saw to fit in 37-mm-diameter sample holders. These slabs were then polished in the UAF Advanced Instrumentation Laboratory with an Ameritool Universal Heavy-Duty Grinder and Polishing Machine using first a 60-mesh diamond disk and finished with a 180-mesh diamond disk. Slab XRF analysis - The XRF analyses were run on a PANalytical Axios spectrometer using SuperQ software. Nb, Rb, Sr, Y, and Zr were measured using Super's 37mmRbSrYZr routine software program; other elements were measured with the IQ+37mmVac software program. The 37mmRbSrYZr routine uses specific pre-determined peak and background positions for which x-ray intensities are measured for 2-800 seconds (depending on the element). The intensity of the Rh Compton peak is used to estimate mass-absorption coefficients (MACs) for both unknowns and well-characterized natural standards. Peak intensities are computed and converted to concentrations using calibration curves employing at least 10 natural rock standards.
Sample Type rock