State of Alaska Alaska | Natural Resources DNR | Geological & Geophysical Surveys DGGS | Geochemistry Geochem

Sample Detail

Sample Number 6690

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Reference Number OFR 1-88
Citation OFR 1-88
Laboratory Unknown
Description Placer samples consist of processing 0.1 cubic yards unconsolidated material through a portable mini sluice box or hydraulic concentrator. Stream sediment samples were collected from the bottom of an active stream bed. Soil samples were taken from the C-soil horizon. For placer and pan concentrate samples analyses were conducted on material weighing between 0.06 to 10 pounds, which had been concentrated from sluicing or panning between 20 and 300 pounds of unconsolidated material. Samples analyzed for gold, palladium, and platinum by atomic absorption spectroscopy or by fire assay or were separated using gravity separation techniques. The separated metals were weighed and the results are reported in troy ounce per cubic yard. All other elements were by inductively coupled plasma.
Sample Type rock