State of Alaska Alaska | Natural Resources DNR | Geological & Geophysical Surveys DGGS | Geochemistry Geochem

Sample Detail

Sample Number 2579 (BLM)

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Reference Number BLM OFR 60(1)
Citation Maas, K.M. and others, 1996
Laboratory Unknown
Description Pan concentrate samples consist of a pan full of sand and gravel reduced by panning to a concentrate. Placer samples consists of 0.1 cubic yard of material processed through a 4 foot long slucie box. Stream sediment samples consist of silt to clay-sized particles found in streams or along stream banks. Rock samples were dried, crushed, and pulverized to at least 100 mesh. Rock samples were preconcentrated using a solution of nitric-aqua-regia leach techniques before analysis using either atomic absorption or inductively coupled argon plasma spectroscopy. Several samples were analyzed for the element using both techniques. The results from the more accurate method is reported.
Sample Type rock